Supernatural Saturdays
We kick off this Halloween season with every Saturday's a look at documentaries about the supernatural and perhaps not-so-supernatural elements of those things that go "bump" in the night.
Slasher Sunday
What Halloween movie marathon is complete without a bit of hacking and slashing? Sundays, we take a look at some decent titles of the movies in the Slasher genre that either went under the radar or somehow swept under the rug.
Monster Monday
Some are big, some are small, some are gross, and some are even kind of funny. We all love a good Creature Feature, so on Mondays, it's all about strange creatures, beasts and monsters, ranging in all shapes and sizes.
Trick-or-Treat Tuesday
Get all of your Halloween candy together, sit yourself down in that recliner and take a load off every Tuesday with some of these light-hearted Halloween-themed flicks that I've somehow managed to miss reviewing over the years.
Weird-Out Wednesday
If you're anything like me, you enjoy a solid psychological horror for that fear factor. On Wednesdays, I take a look at some of the more critically acclaimed psychological horror/thriller movies out there that I've somehow never actually seen before.
Thriller Thursday
Just in case you couldn't get enough of that psychological material, Thursdays will offer a solid list of some of the better thriller titles that exist out there. Suspense is the name of the game, here.
Frightful Failure Friday
It's Friday night, so it's time to party with some of the best-known worst horror/thriller/suspense titles known to man. At least three of these have been dubbed at one time or another "worst movie ever made", so Fridays definitely equal fun!