"Awesome" - "Epic"
- Generally reserved for movies that I end up establishing a personal connection with.
- The film will engage every emotion with a good combination of likeable characters, dialogue, story and even visuals to some degree.
- The film's rewatchability quality is strong.
- Movies from the "Five Stars" page are automatic 5's and thus go unrated in their reviews.
"Good" - "Awesome"
- Though a personal connection may be established in some way, other factors keep it from becoming a 5
- The most important takeaway from a 4-rated movie is the fun factor. Things don't have to be perfect, as long as I have a good time.
- A lot of factors can add up to a 4, including action sequences, visuals, dialogue and how seriously the film takes itself among other things.
"Guilty Pleasure" - "Good"
- Perhaps the most common rating I will hand out if I'm stuck between whether I liked or disliked the film.
- The film may have its share of problems, but those problems are balanced out with other contributing factors like performances, music, atmosphere or cinematography.
- The highest rating I will give any film from the "Rubbish Bin" page based on how fun it was to watch.
"Bad" - "Guilty Pleasure"
- The film is almost passable, but the bad truly outweighs the good regarding editing, dialogue, effects, storytelling and other factors.
- To avoid being a 1, there may be some sort of fun factor to the film, but it will be short-lived, or just not enough to be a 3.
- A 2 is relatively rare for my reviews, so if you see a 2-rating, the film will have something about it I appreciated, but it's just not enough to save it.
"Terrible" - "Bad"
- The most common rating given out on the "Rubbish Bin" page.
- The film has no redeeming qualities and will feel like a total waste of time.
- I would not recommend a 1-rating to anyone.
- These titles will serve to create some of my more humorous reviews, just so someone can get some sort of entertainment value from this garbage.
- SKIP these movies. I'm watching them for you!